Paying For Your Courses

Tuition Rate

Current tuition rates are as follows:

  • Insights courses: $85 per course.
  • Master’s-level courses: $215 per credit hour or $645 per master’s course of 3 credit hours
  • Community Ministry Certificate: $100 per month, 13 months.

Students may drop courses with no academic penalty if a request is made in writing (by email) by midnight of the Drop/Add date listed in the online calendar. Tuition for courses dropped by the Drop/Add date will be refunded at 85%, less the merchant’s fee charged by any processing agent. Refunds may be applied to the next term’s tuition, if requested.

Courses dropped after the Drop/Add date will not be refunded.

More detailed information on our tuition, fees, and refund policy can be found on the Tuition Information page.

Student Loans

Cherry Hill Seminary does not offer student loan services.


As a very small institution with limited resources, Cherry Hill Seminary as yet has no designated scholarship fund. On occasion, we offer the opportunity to apply for a one-course scholarship. We send that information to all on our email list.

Pay Tuition in Installments

You may elect to pay your tuition in installments. Please read the information provided on the Tuition Installments Information page for more details.

Announcing Tuition Rate Increase for 2024

CHS has always worked to balance our costs while remaining affordable for our students. As a non-profit school, with a mission to provide sound education grounded in Pagan and other earth-based spiritualities we must also exercise good business practices, including a realistic approach to the hard costs of running the school.

Therefore, Cherry Hill Seminary tuition for graduate courses will increase for the coming year, effective for all master’s courses beginning in January 2024. The new rate will be $215 per credit hour, or $645 for a typical three-credit hour graduate course. This is a 13% increase and reflects the inflation increases that we have seen over the past two years.

If you are curious about overall tuition increases you may find this an interesting article on undergraduate programs by U.S. News and World Report, and here is an analysis of both undergrad and postsecondary tuition.

Importantly, Cherry Hill Seminary continues to charge one of the lowest tuition rates of seminaries across the country. This is done, of course, at the cost of relying on much of our support being volunteer, and our very conservative bare-bones budget for operations.

All certificates and Insights courses will continue to be offered at the current rates. We continue to offer payment by installments during the same semester.

Please contact us if you have any questions. Our goal is to assist you in any way we are able so that you may pursue your educational goals.