When we engage in Pagan ministry, we are not only practitioners of our craft, we are representatives of our religion. We are held radically responsible for our actions and their consequences by our deities, our communities, our world and ourselves. We live and work in a society where actions we take as Pagans are viewed through the lens of a different set of assumptions than our own. This course will examine ethics and boundaries relating to self, to clan/tribe, to society and to our world, from both Pagan and non-Pagan perspectives. Students will develop individual codes of ethics and articulate personal boundaries.
Instructor: Keith Cates, PhD
Meeting Day/time: Mondays, 9:30 pm ET
Required Texts:
Pastin, Mark. Make an Ethical Difference. Berrett-Koehler (2013)
Myers, Brendan. The Other Side of Virtue. O Books (2008)