As the Pagan community matures, we are called to address the demographic shift of increasing numbers of older Pagans. This challenges clergy to both offer spiritual models that value and encourage spiritual growth in old age and to cater for the needs of older Pagans to enable them to play an active role in the community. In this master’s level course, you will become familiar with aging issues for the general population and how these may impact Pagans and Paganism. The course will assist clergy in helping Pagans and Paganism meet the challenges of old age, in developing models of spiritual development and maturity that can point the way to how the last third of life can be lived in a fulfilling and constructive way, and in reflecting on personal issues related to aging.
Professor: Vivianne Crowley, Ph.D.
Required Reading: No text required. Relevant journal articles will be supplied by the professor.
Class Meeting: Alternate Sundays 11:00 AM ET
Class Begins: September 7, 2020 (end of semester Dec 13)