Participants in the Cherry Hill Seminary-Univ of South Carolina “Paganism & Its Discontents: Enduring Problems of Racialized Identity” circle on Friday morning March 15 to remember New Zealand victims.
Cherry Hill Seminary deplores the murders which took place in New Zealand last Friday, in Pittsburgh before that, and so many more senseless tragedies before those. Let us follow the example of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. She refuses to mention the killer’s name, instead honoring the many devout human beings who were practicing their faith that day. She has urged practical and immediate action, through legislative means. And she showed true leadership by stepping forward immediately with a voice of deep compassion and empathy. Cherry Hill Seminary also urges the continued examination of the forces which have led to the rise of racist, nationalist, and violent movements. We must decry the actions of these groups and individuals, but at the same time do our best to learn how to prevent their descent into the abyss of fear and hate. To that end, Cherry Hill Seminary will continue to seek insight through scholarship, and train our students to speak for justice in their communities. (March 18, 2019)