Isley 5
Wes Isley, M.Div.
Wes Isley holds a Master of Divinity from Cherry Hill Seminary and a Master of Liberal Studies from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. Before turning to full-time ministry, he worked as a magazine editor and writer with a focus on health and wellness and travel. First ordained as an interfaith minister, Wes serves as a ritualist and wedding officiant, and was ordained by Sacred Well Congregation in 2019. His ministry interests include grief work, racial reconciliation and interfaith cooperation. Raised as a Protestant Christian, Wes was led back into the woods by Pagan spirits more than a decade ago when he began following a solitary, eclectic practice. He was later called to serve the Vodou lwa and is a hounsi kanzo initiate in a private Vodou house in North Carolina. Wes is also active in the Charlotte-area Pagan community and is a Disaster Spiritual Care volunteer for the American Red Cross. He currently works as a hospital chaplain resident and serves as chair of the CHS Votaries Alumni Circle.