Birth, death, wedding-handfasting, coming of age, divorce – understanding these transitional moments in the life cycle and how to prepare for them will enable the Pagan minister to guide others through the times that define our lives. Learn to follow legal guidelines, when necessary, bridge gaps between Pagan and non-Pagan friends and family, and still help to create ritual that is deep, meaningful, and abiding.
Department: Ministry, Advocacy, and Leadership (MAL)
Required Reading: Life Ritualized: A Witches Guide to Honoring Life’s Important Moments by Phoenix LeFae and Gwion Raven.
Class Meeting: Mondays, 8:00 PM EST
Class Begins: January 9, 2022
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Erica Baron, M.Div., Dept. of Ministry, Advocacy & Leadership
Professor: Erica Baron, M.Div. – holds a Master of Divinity degree from Andover Newton Theological School and a Bachelor of Arts in Social Thought and Political Economy from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She is an ordained Unitarian Universalist (UU) minister who has served UU congregations in Vermont and New York. She is a high priestess and ordained minister of the Temple of Witchcraft, centered in Salem, NH. When she is not leading religious communities and teaching, she makes quilts.