Margo Wolfe is an educator and writer with 20+ years in secondary and post-secondary institutions working with teens and young adults as a teacher, mentor, and school board member. She is a member of the Sisterhood of Avalon, a Celtic women’s mysteries tradition and the current president of their board of trustees. Previously she taught at Penn State Behrend for several years in the English and Women’s Studies program. Upon earning her Ph.D. in Education, she embarked on an alternative teaching path, continuing her work with teens, writing curricula for earth-based programs, and researching ways to include service learning programming in elementary and secondary schools. Her most recent work deals with merging community schools and service-learning curricula for a more inclusive vision. Margo is the co-founder of The Web, a CUUPS chapter (Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans), where she coordinates and teaches the adolescent group, in addition to delivering regular lay services for her local Unitarian Universalist church.