MoChride head shot
Race MoChridhe, MTS
Race MoChridhe is an independent scholar of religion working from the Traditionalist perspective. His publications include work on the symbology of the Tarot, notes on Sanskrit translation, and multiple entries on modern Paganism for the forthcoming Encyclopedia of Women in World Religions, due out from ABC-CLIO. He took his Master of Theological Studies (MTS) degree from Nations University in 2013 with a thesis on ancient Israelite attitudes toward Egyptian paganism. His current research interests lie at the intersections of feminist thealogy, New Religious Movements, and the sophia perennis.
MoChridhe is also an Ovate in the Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids, in which capacity he he has hosted a talk radio show about earth-centered spirituality in southern Alaska, been interviewed on British radio about the significance of the solstice, led public ritual in northern Colorado, and published poems and essays in English, German, and French all over the world.
You can learn more about his work at his website,