David Oliver Kling, M.Div.
David Oliver Kling, M.Div., Chair, Ministry, Advocacy & Leadership
David Oliver Kling is a graduate of Wright State University holding a B.A. degree in Religious Studies and a B.A. degree in Philosophy. He has a Master of Divinity from Methodist Theological School in Ohio with a specialization in Black Church and African Diaspora Studies. While in college he worked as Director of Religious Education at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Yellow Springs and while in seminary he served the Delaware Unitarian Universalist Fellowship as consulting minister. He is currently working as a chaplain resident at a hospital in West Virginia enrolled in a clinical pastoral education program, and he is endorsed by Sacred Well Congregation. His religious background includes Christianity, Wicca, Druidry, Gnosticism, and Roman Paganism. His academic interests include Black Church studies, comparative theology, pastoral care and practical theology. dkling@cherryhillseminary.org