Keith Cates, Ph.D.,
Dept. of Pastoral Counseling & Chaplaincy
Dr. Cates received his Ph.D. In Counselor Education and Supervision from Auburn University. Additionally he holds an Ed.S in Guidance and Counseling, an M.A. in Psychology, a B.A in Psychology and a B.F.A. in Fine Arts from the University of West Georgia. He is a Licensed Professional Counselor and has held state licensure in Georgia, Alabama and Alaska. He currently works in higher education and continuing adult education as faculty, clinical director, and consultant in the areas of assessment, accreditation and program curriculum development. His research has centered on non-mainstream and sub-cultural populations and his clinical practice has focused on working with military, EMS, mire and police personnel and providing clinical supervision for counselors seeking licensure. He is a member of the Ordo Templi Orientis where he has served in the role of Bodymaster as well as worked with the OTO’s Psychology Guild to serve the pastoral counseling training needs of the OTO’s clergy. kcates@cherryhillseminary.org