Calling all Pagan writers and want-to-be writers!
Have you ever made a resolution to start a writing practice for it to fall by the wayside after just a few days? How many times have you bought a notebook or beautiful new journal for it to sit blank or with only a few lines penned? There are as many reasons to start a writing practice as there are Pagans who are struggling to open the door into one. Join author and Druid priest Diane (Gallagher) Cacciato to begin your journey to finding your own writing practice. Students will examine the essence of ritual against the backdrop of the Wheel of the Year and use that to enter into the satisfying world of the writer. Through daily writing exercises and readings, and weekly class discussions, students will develop their own writing rituals and practices and will come out of this class with the first draft of a piece that can be shared or performed in ritual.
Required Reading: The Ritual of Writing: Writing as Spiritual Practice by Andrew Anderson
Course runs: Oct 1-Oct 28
Course meetings: Sundays 1:00-2:30 PM ET
Total Tuition Cost: $85
To register:
If you are new to CHS, first complete this form, then the office will send you an invoice.
Current CHS students, please log in to your Populi account to register.
Rev. Diane Cacciato, M.Ed.
Professor: Diane Cacciato, M.Ed. – is a retired public school teacher, an ordained priest with Ár nDraíocht Féin, as well as a 1st circle liturgist and 2nd circle bard. She holds a Bachelor of Education from the University of British Columbia, a Masters of Education from the University of Alberta, and has done graduate work at the University of Hawaii and at Cherry Hill Seminary. She has published five books: Greenwich List: A Novel, Mancia di Sanu: A Canadian Expat’s Take on Sicilian Life and Cuisine, The Bastard of Saint Genevra, Moo-Moo Saves the Day, and Gratitude & Betrayal | Betrayal & Gratitude: Poems.