Anything can happen in 2021…
We survived and thrived in 2020, despite all the challenges before us. Not just as a center of learning, but we rallied to those challenges as spiritual beings with an appetite to know more, be more, and do more!
And now? In April, our very first SpiDir (Spiritual Direction Certificate) cohort will begin their two-year journey towards offering their own services as a spiritual director or companion. This summer we’ll begin Coming to the Center, an exciting program which launches in the summer featuring live online interviews with notable experts on wide-ranging topics. We’ve held symposia jointly with the University of South Carolina since 2013, bringing together scholars, students and the public around sacred lands, religion and the environment, and white supremacy. We believe we can do so much more this year, with your support.
After all, Cherry Hill Seminary is now well into our second decade as the only graduate and continuing education program of its kind in the world, a surprising milestone for a Pagan organization. How has that happened? Not without a great deal of hard work, patience, and a lot of people envisioning a world where we are on equal footing with others in the ministry professions.
So why not make this year –2021– one to remember, one that inspires us, a year of bold, visionary action?
Hypatia of Alexandria, the guardian ancestor of Cherry Hill Seminary, has been a model for fearless learning since the third century of this era. Hypatia taught her students to pursue knowledge and live with the integrity demanded by a rapidly-changing society. This is why we each year we invite you to celebrate March 15, International Hypatia Day, by honoring our spiritual ancestor with a contribution to CHS in support of her passion for excellence in education.
Over the years, we’ve thrown Hypatia parties, held drawings for prizes, and in various ways invited the world to become part of our Seminary family with a gift (or a pledge to give sometime during 2021). Thanks for the memories pictured in the photos here!
Will you support Cherry Hill Seminary with a contribution today? Then perhaps you will tweet or post what you’ve done with one of the memes found below? The world loves stories of generosity and goodwill, after all. (Don’t forget to link back to this page.)
Most importantly, anything can happen in 2021, so make it good, starting with your contribution to Cherry Hill Seminary.
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