Wendy Griffin
Wendy Griffin, Ph.D.
Wendy Griffin, Ph.D., is an academic by profession, and a sociologist by training, with a Ph.D. in the interdisciplinary social sciences. Currently, she is Professor Emerita and Chair of the Department of Women’s, Gender & Sexuality Studies at California State University, Long Beach, where she has taught for 24 years. Wendy has published numerous academic articles on Pagan women’s groups and is the editor of “Daughters of the Goddess: Studies of Healing, Identity and Empowerment”. She is a founding co-chair of the Contemporary Pagan Studies Group in the American Academy of Religion and on the editorial board of The Pomegranate. She recently completed work as co-editor of the first scholarly series in Pagan Studies published through an academic press, AltaMira.
She may be reached at wgriffin@cherryhillseminary.org