
First, you are not alone. When crisis strikes, grassroots organizations lead the way, like Cherry Hill Seminary. Driven by people who understand that in times of need, we rely on each other.

Second, we have something no one can take from you. Cherry Hill Seminary is deeply committed to providing transformative education so that you can provide competent and compassionate spiritual support and leadership to others. We value community care, mutual support, and partnerships.

Third, community care is about coming together to build something sustainable, healing, and empowering for everyone involved. Cherry Hill Seminary has been here for everyone for more than 20 years, and we are in it for the long haul.

Your financial contributions each year make up about twenty percent of our budget. Those gifts take root in fertile soil at CHS, where students learn to think theologically, work effectively in their communities, excel academically, and lead others in their spiritual journeys.

Will you do your part this spring? You can make an outright gift of any amount, or you can let us know of an amount you intend to give, and when (that’s what we call a pledge). We also have occasionally received gifts of stock, or inclusion in your estate planning. We welcome all of it, year-round. But our spring appeal helps us plan for all our programs for the year, so we ask you at this turn of the wheel.

The goal is to raise $20,000 by May 1, and some of you have already given or pledged nearly $15,000! Your gifts tell us that you want CHS to thrive, that we need to keep on being there for the entire Pagan and earth-focused community.

Click here to make a contribution, or here to make a pledge for a gift any time until the end of 2025.

Thank you for making it possible for Cherry Hill Seminary to support and inspire you to nurture others through spiritual care and leadership.